Egg Donor Compensation

Will donating affect my own fertility?


No relationship between egg donation and future fertility has been established, although research is continuing. Egg donation does not deplete your ovarian reserve. Each month you release a number of eggs, but only one comes to maturity. The hormones administered [...]

Will donating affect my own fertility?2024-12-11T15:43:15+00:00

Are there any complications of which I should be aware?


Most women experience little to no complications. You can experience minor discomfort after the procedure, or symptoms associated with your natural cycles, such as headaches, moodiness, or cramping. There have been a very small number of extreme cases of hyper [...]

Are there any complications of which I should be aware?2024-12-11T15:42:46+00:00

Will I have to travel, or can you match me with local intended parents?


We work with intended parents who have chosen clinics throughout the United States. Where you travel will depend on the IVF clinic chosen by the intended parents. This is where you will most likely travel to twice. We will disclose [...]

Will I have to travel, or can you match me with local intended parents?2024-12-11T15:45:14+00:00

How many times can I donate with Eggceptional Fertility?


Egg donors have the opportunity to help multiple families which means you can donate your eggs up to six times. After your egg retrieval is complete, one of our admissions specialists will request the medical records from your egg donation [...]

How many times can I donate with Eggceptional Fertility?2024-12-11T15:47:47+00:00

How long does the Egg Donation process take?


It’s important to understand that egg donation timelines vary. While there is no guarantee you will be chosen as an egg donor, it is possible to be chosen within days of being accepted into our program. Some intended parents also [...]

How long does the Egg Donation process take?2024-12-11T15:41:38+00:00

What is egg donation?


Egg donation helps those who are unable to become parents on their own. People choose egg donation for many reasons. Some are struggling with infertility, others are same-sex couples or single individuals. Intended parents come from many different backgrounds and [...]

What is egg donation?2024-12-11T15:41:08+00:00