Find a Surrogate in Florida2022-09-13T18:20:37+00:00

Find a Surrogate in Florida

Surrogacy Program for Intended Parents

The Process
Costs & Fees
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Find a Surrogate in Florida

Choosing a surrogate is a deeply personal and moving decision, and we are here to support and guide you on this journey. We understand how important building a family is to you, and we strive to create a joyful and smooth path to your hopes and dreams.

Our surrogates are all mothers themselves, who are called to help others experience the joy of parenthood. Finding a surrogate through Eggceptional Fertility means becoming part of a community of people, all working together to support your family legacy. This journey is exciting, emotional, and unimaginably rewarding. Take your first step today.

Personal, Compassionate Surrogacy Services

At Eggceptional Fertility, we added surrogacy to our egg donation services to make sure our intended parents were receiving the very best quality care and support throughout their journey. Our experience in both egg donation and surrogacy gives us in-depth knowledge of third-party reproduction as a whole.

We start with a free consultation to get a chance to know you and your specific hopes and needs for your surrogacy journey. After learning your values, priorities, and preferences, we will start the surrogate matching process. We offer communication via phone, video conference, email, and in person – whatever is most convenient for you.

Whether you are excited, nervous, overwhelmed, joyful, or any combination of feelings, we will be here to provide guidance, support, and encouragement in navigating your surrogacy journey.

Dedicated Surrogates Who Fit Your Values

We have a carefully curated list of surrogates who all meet our rigorous screening criteria. Eggceptional Fertility surrogates are healthy, kind, compassionate women who are dedicated to their own families and joyfully called to help others become parents. Surrogacy creates a special bond between the intended parents and the surrogate. Many of our surrogates and intended parents have gone on to be close friends after the baby is born. Whatever relationship you’d like to have with your surrogate, it’s important that you share a connection and values. Those shared values create a foundation for the precious responsibility you entrust to your surrogate. Surrogates and intended parents choose each other in a mutual matching process, facilitated by our expert staff. To discuss surrogacy options, contact us for your free consultation.

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Transparency and Integrity

Surrogacy is a complex process, and it’s important that you feel fully informed and confident throughout. We are committed to providing clear and complete information, including the matching process and the expenses and fees. There are never any hidden costs or surprise expenses with Eggceptional Fertility; we will go over what to expect during your initial consultation. For a general overview of surrogacy fees, click here.

We offer competitive surrogacy compensation rates, which allows us to work with the very best surrogate candidates. Nevertheless, our surrogates are motivated first and foremost by the desire to help others build a family, not by money. In fact, financial stability is one of the requirements to be an Eggceptional Fertility Surrogate.


Surrogate Intended Parent FAQs

Common questions from intended parents of surrogates.

What is the difference between gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy?2019-07-31T17:29:39+00:00

There are two types of surrogacy—gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy. In a typical gestational surrogacy arrangement, intended parents create embryos through in vitro fertilization. One or more of these embryos is implanted in a surrogate (sometimes known as a gestational carrier), who carries the child or children to term, but has no genetic relationship to them. Gestational surrogacies makeup the vast majority of modern surrogacy arrangements.

By contrast, traditional surrogates typically become pregnant through artificial insemination, and have a genetic connection to the child or children they carry for their intended parents. We only provide gestational surrogacy services.

How long does the whole surrogacy process take?2019-07-31T17:29:06+00:00

The length of the process depends on several factors. We typically tell intended parents that they should plan on a year and a half from the time they sign on with our agency until they have a child, although it can be quicker or longer depending on the legal requirements involved and the course of the IVF treatment.

Where will my surrogate deliver my child?2019-07-31T17:28:37+00:00

Most of our surrogates already have relationships with an obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) and many will deliver at the same hospital where they gave birth to their own children. All surrogates will deliver at a hospital near their home. The decision about where to deliver is typically made in conjunction with the OBGYN and the insurance company, which may have a network of approved providers and hospitals. Occasionally, our legal team will recommend that a delivery occur at a specific hospital.

Intended parents often wish to be a part of the labor and delivery process. Hospital policy and your surrogate’s comfort play a large role in determining who will be able to be present in the delivery room. Following the birth, the baby will either remain in the nursery or a room assigned to you. According to most hospital policies, the child cannot be released from the hospital until the surrogate has been released.

How are surrogate applicants screened?2019-07-31T17:28:03+00:00

A woman applies to become a surrogate with Eggceptional by filling out a detailed application. We review her answers and if we think she would be a good fit for our program, a consulting IVF physician examines her medical records, including a history of recent pregnancies. We also review any medical insurance plans. Next, she in an in-person interview or video conference call depending upon her location. We evaluate the applicant’s support network and run a criminal background check.

What are the requirements to become a surrogate (gestational carrier)?2019-07-31T17:27:30+00:00

We’ve established strict requirements for our surrogate applicants to ensure the continued success of our program. Here are some of our requirements for surrogate applicants:

  • Has delivered a child of her own, and is currently parenting at least one child
  • 21-41 years of age
  • Is a citizen, legal resident or legal immigrant of the United States
  • No participation in certain government aid programs
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) of no higher than 33,
  • Residence in a surrogacy-friendly state in the United States
  • Support of family and friends
  • No use of illegal drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol abuse
  • No currently use of anti-depressants
  • Leads a stable, responsible lifestyle
How much contact will we have with our surrogate? How involved will we be during the pregnancy?2019-07-31T17:26:19+00:00

The frequency and type of contact you have with your surrogate before, during and after the pregnancy will be addressed as part of your surrogacy plan. You can have as much or as little contact as both parties are comfortable with. However, we recommend that weekly contact via phone and meeting in person for milestone appointments be a minimum, if possible. This is the person helping to bring your child into the world and the happiest journeys always have good communication.

What happens to any remaining frozen embryos?2019-07-31T17:25:48+00:00

Frozen embryos are stored at your IVF clinic. If your family is complete, you will be advised on your options for the future of your embryos. If you choose to move your embryos, your IVF center will assist you in that process. Of course, you may use the cryopreserved embryos in a future surrogacy if you choose.

What does the legal process involve before and after the birth?2019-07-31T17:25:17+00:00

The Eggceptional team coordinates with local attorneys to ensure that you are properly matched with a surrogate in a state where you can accomplish the necessary legal work to finalize your parental rights. You will need to have wills finalized prior to the embryo transfer that ensure that a guardian is in place to care for your children in the event of your death. Once you are matched, we negotiate contracts on your behalf with independent attorneys who represent the egg donor and/or surrogate. Eggceptional works with local attorneys in the states where the surrogates reside in order to accomplish the legal work necessary to secure your parental rights. Depending on a variety of factors, your surrogacy legal work may include a pre-birth order, a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity, a judgment of paternity, a custody orders, or an adoption.

How does the matching process work?2019-07-31T17:24:30+00:00

Once we have accepted a surrogate applicant into our program, our team determines possible matching options based on a variety of factors, including: the state she lives in, whether she has insurance, and the matching preferences from both intended parents and surrogates.
Once the surrogate and the prospective parents express a mutual interest, we will put them in touch by video conference call so they can meet. Someone from Eggceptional will be on the call to introduce them and get the conversation going. Then they can interview each other to see if it will be a good match for both parties.

After communicating with each other, the surrogate and the prospective parents meet in person at their mutual convenience. If the surrogate has children and/or a partner or spouse, the intended parents meet them as well.

An IVF physician medically screens them after a match is made. If for any reason the surrogate doesn’t pass the medical screening (which is rare), Eggceptional will present a new match free of charge.

Can I be a parent if I’m single?2019-07-31T17:24:00+00:00

Absolutely! We work with intended parents of all backgrounds—single individuals, same-sex couples and heterosexual couples.


“Surrogacy is a very dedicated and rewarding journey for everyone involved. Jennifer and her team made the process much, much easier. They are very kind, welcoming and professional. They work very hard to make sure everything is lined up when its needed. If there ever was an issue that needed to be addressed; she was on top of it immediately. She even came with me to one of my appointments, so I didn’t have to go alone. I have made very good friends with the intended parents along the way. I have chosen to do surrogacy again with the Eggceptional Fertility to help another family that is in need. I would highly recommend this group of ladies to anyone and everyone who is interested. I could not have done it without them.”

Tiffani S.

“Jennifer and her team are some of the most amazing people I’ve ever had the joy to work with and know! They are always incredibly kind, very accommodating, and proactive if there’s an issue to address. However, with Eggceptional Fertility, problems rarely, if ever, arise. I’ve chosen to do multiple donor cycles with Eggceptional Fertility, and I could not be happier to have such a wonderful group facilitate such vital procedures. There is nothing more fulfilling than helping loving couples achieve their dreams. Whether you are a donor like myself or an intended parent, you are in terrific hands!”

Tithi A.

“I’ve had such an amazing time working through this donation. I couldn’t imagine working with anyone besides the Eggceptional Fertility. Everything was handled so quickly, and I felt taken care of. I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into me and the intended parents.”

Ashleigh H.

“After learning more about donating my eggs and finishing my first cycle, I can honestly say that I am very grateful for my experience with Eggceptional Fertility. As a full time student, I appreciate how accommodating they were to my time and schedule. I attribute the success of my donation to the personal relationships I made with the Eggceptional Fertility They genuine cared for my well being and I cannot thank them enough for their kindness from start to finish.”


“My husband and I are very happy with our experience with Eggceptional Fertility. We were devastated when we learned that I suffer from a condition called Premature Aging of the Eggs and that the chances of me conceiving were almost nonexistent. Jennifer and her staff made our experience comfortable and stress free. We can’t begin to express our gratitude to Jennifer and her staff for making our dreams a reality. We are thrilled to say we are expecting our twins December.”

A.B and J.B. - Orlando