Is Surrogacy Legal in Idaho?

Surrogacy Friendly States and a Shift Towards Surrogacy-Friendly Laws.

Become A Parent

Is Surrogacy Legal in Idaho?

Gestational surrogacy is legal in Idaho because there is no law that prohibits it. Idaho makes the process to receive parentage orders more complex because they will not grant pre-birth orders in any circumstance.

  • Same-Sex Friendly

  • Married Couple Friendly
  • Non-Married Friendly
  • Single Friendly

  • Donor Egg, Sperm, or Embryo Friendly
  • Pre-Birth Order, Post-Birth Order, or Post-Adoption Order

Because pre-birth orders are not available, intended parent(s) will need a post-birth or post-adoption order to secure parentage rights. Post-birth orders are only available to intended parents using their own egg or own sperm. Non-genetically related intended parent(s) will need to go through the post-adoption process.

Despite the additional hurdles, gestational surrogacy is still a family-building option in Idaho. Before starting the process, it’s important to work with a surrogacy attorney familiar with Idaho’s requirements.

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How to Find a Surrogate in Idaho

If you’re looking for a surrogate in Idaho, you may have noticed that we’ve put the state on our “Less-Friendly” list. Why? Even though gestational surrogacy is practiced in Idaho, securing parentage orders comes with more obstacles. However, that doesn’t mean that all intended parents in Idaho must look elsewhere for their surrogacy journey.

Eggceptional Fertility provides in person, phone, video conference, and email communication options to make our services more accessible. There is never a charge for a consultation with Eggceptional Fertility. We are excited to get to know you and help you on your journey!

Find a Surrogacy Agency Near Me

Working with an experienced surrogacy agency can save you time, money, and energy on your surrogacy journey. An inexperienced agency, however, can stack up unscrupulous fees or simply waste your time. Typing in “surrogacy agencies near me” can lead to an overwhelming number of links for different companies, many offering deals that seem too good to be true.

Eggceptional Fertility has been providing surrogacy services in Idaho since 2008 and we believe everyone deserves the chance to create a family. We see all our intended parents, surrogates, and egg donors as part of one big Eggceptional family, joined by a common desire to build family legacies and change lives.

So how do you find a quality surrogacy agency? We recommend looking at three important factors:

  • Experience – Surrogacy is a complex and lengthy process, leading to one of the most important moments of your life: when you become a parent. A quality surrogacy agency will have guided many surrogate journeys and know how to handle even the most unexpected situations.
  • Transparency – With all the different details involved in surrogacy, it’s important to have a clear and complete sense of what to expect, from the surrogacy process to the expected timeline to the financial aspects. Look for a surrogacy agency that clearly lays out their fees and ask if there will be any additional costs that aren’t included in the initial agency agreement.
  • Compassion – Becoming a parent through surrogacy is both incredibly rewarding and, at times, incredibly challenging. You deserve a surrogacy agency that roots for your success and supports you through the unexpected. Your goals should feel as important to the agency as they do to you.

When you find an experienced surrogacy agency that communicates clearly and feels fully supportive, you’ll know you’ve found the right one.

Who Uses Surrogacy in Idaho?

Surrogacy provides a wonderful option for intended parents who cannot carry and deliver a baby on their own. In surrogacy, an embryo is developed in a fertility clinic and then transferred to the uterus of a surrogate (or “gestational carrier”). The surrogate then carries the pregnancy and delivers the baby. In return for the surrogate’s time, energy, and physical effort, the intended parent(s) provide compensation and benefits.

There are many reasons an individual or couple in Idaho might choose to find a surrogate on their path to parenthood. For instance, a woman might have healthy eggs, but not be able to carry a pregnancy for medical reasons. In this case, she could have her eggs retrieved, fertilized with her partner’s sperm, and then transferred to a surrogate who can safely carry and deliver a baby. In this way, both intended parents can still have a biological child. On the other hand, surrogacy also provides a path to fatherhood for single intended fathers and same-sex male couples, who can fertilize donor eggs with their sperm and transfer the resulting embryo to a surrogate.

The Cost of Surrogacy in Idaho

Surrogacy involves a significant financial investment. The total cost depends on your specific situation and needs, location, and other factors. In general, the costs of surrogacy can be broken down into the following categories:

  • Surrogate Compensation
  • Travel & Miscellaneous Expenses
  • Agency Fees
  • Medical & Mental Health Screenings
  • Surrogate Medical Insurance
  • Legal Fees
  • IVF & Embryo Transfer

As we mentioned, intended parents compensate surrogates for their time, effort, and energy as she carries a pregnancy and delivers a baby. Surrogacy agreements also often include additional benefits for the surrogate, such as a stipend for maternity clothes or compensation for any missed time at work.

At Eggceptional Fertility, we offer our clients full transparency when it comes to fees and expenses. For a detailed explanation of our current surrogacy fees, click here.

Starting Your Surrogacy Journey in Idaho: Experience Matters

The surrogacy process involves:

  • Matching with a surrogate
  • Creating a legal surrogacy agreement
  • Developing and transferring embryos
  • Pregnancy, labor, and delivery

Of course, there are many more steps along the way! The journey begins with an initial consultation with your surrogacy agency. During this consultation, we’ll learn more about you and your family-building goals, as well as answer any initial questions you have about the process. We will also go into more detail about the entire surrogacy process to give you a clear understanding of what to expect. To begin your journey and find an excellent surrogate, schedule your initial consultation today.